MIDI Channel Voice Messages

All MIDI status byte and data byte values are in hexadecimal


MIDI Channel Voice Messages
Message Description
8n kk vv Note off Normally sent when a key (on a synthesizer) is released (note 1)
 Value Range Description
 n 0-F MIDI Channel 0 = Ch 1
 kk 00-7F Key which was released
This must correspond to a previous note-on message for correct operation
3C = Middle-C
 vv 00-7F Velocity with which key was released
Devices which are not velocity sensitive should send vv=40

The interpretation of this message is up to the receiving MIDI device

Message Description
9n kk vv Note on Normally sent when a key (on a synthesizer) is pressed

A corresponding note-off message must be sent for each and every note-on message

 Value Range Description
 n 0-F MIDI Channel 0 = Ch 1
 kk 00-7F Key which was pressed
Each value is a 'half-step' above or below the adjacent values
3C = Middle-C
 vv 00-7F Velocity with which key was pressed
Devices which are not velocity sensitive should send vv=40

By definition, a note-on message with vv=0 is equivalent to the message: "note-off vv=40" (note 2)

00=note-off (40)
Message Description
An kk ww Polyphonic Key Pressure Also known as Aftertouch. This message is sent when there is a change in the pressure being applied to a key (ie on a per-key basis).
 Value Range Description
 n 0-F MIDI Channel 0 = Ch 1
 kk 00-7F Key which was pressed
Each value is a 'half-step' above or below the adjacent values
3C = Middle-C
 ww 00-7F Pressure with which key is being pressed 00=min, 7F=max
Message Description
Bn cc nn Controller Change Sent when a change is made in a footswitch, expression pedal, slider, or other controller.
 Value Range Description
 n 0-F MIDI Channel 0 = Ch 1
 cc 00-77 Controller Number see detailed descriptions
 nn 00-7F Controller Value 00=min, 40=center, 7F=max
Message Description
Cn pp Program Change
Used to change the instrument (or sound) to be played when a note-on message is received.
This is usually not retro-active, and only applies to subsequent note-on messages
This message may have a completely different interpretation depending on the type of device. For example, it could change the current rhythm on a drum-machine.
 Value Range Description
 n 0-F MIDI Channel 0 = Ch 1
 pp 00-7F New Program number 00=1st program
Message Description
Dn ww Channel Key Pressure Also known as Aftertouch. This message is sent when there is a change in the overall pressure being applied to the keyboard (ie for the channel overall, and not on a per-key basis).
 Value Range Description
 n 0-F MIDI Channel 0 = Ch 1
 ww 00-7F Channel Pressure Value 00=min, 7F=max
Message Description
En lsb msb Pitch Bend Sent when a change is made in a pitch-bender lever.
 Value Range Description
 n 0-F MIDI Channel 0 = Ch 1
 lsb 00-7F Least significant byte 00=min, 00=center, 7F=max
 msb 00-7F Most Significant Byte 00=min, 40=center, 7F=max


Note 1
Just because a device has received a note-off message does not automatically imply that the note should cease abruptly. Some sounds, such as organ and trumpet sounds will do so. Others, such as piano and guitar sounds, will decay (fade-out) instead, albeit more quickly after the note-off message is received.
Note 2
Sending note-on with vv=0 improves the effectiveness of Running Status. Hence this message is preferred over the regular note-off message for devices which do not detect release velocity.


MIDI Channel Voice Messages
The table below presents a summary of the MIDI Channel Voice Message codes in binary form.
A MIDI channel voice message consists of a Status Byte followed by one or two Data Bytes.
Status ByteData Byte 1Data Byte 2MessageLegend
1000nnnn0kkkkkkk0vvvvvvvNote Offn=channel* k=key # 0-127(60=middle C) v=velocity (0-127)
1001nnnn0kkkkkkk0vvvvvvvNote Onn=channel k=key # 0-127(60=middle C) v=velocity (0-127)
1010nnnn0kkkkkkk0pppppppPoly Key Pressuren=channel k=key # 0-127(60=middle C) p=pressure (0-127)
1011nnnn0ccccccc0vvvvvvvController Changen=channel c=controller v=controller value(0-127)
1100nnnn0ppppppp[none]Program Changen=channel p=preset number (0-127)
1101nnnn0ppppppp[none]Channel Pressuren=channel p=pressure (0-127)
1101nnnn0ccccccc0fffffffPitch Bendn=channel c=coarse f=fine (c+f = 14-bit resolution)

*The last four bits of a status byte signify the MIDI channel (1-16) the message is intended for offset by 1 [0000=channel #1, 1111=channel #16]

An example of a MIDI channel voice message would be:

10010001 00111100 01000000

The first four bits of the status byte specify the Note On command, while the last four specify MIDI channel #2. The first data byte specifies the key number for middle C (=60 decimal), while the second data byte specifies a median velocity (= 64 decimal).

Running Status
MIDI's Running Status allows a single status byte's action to remain in effect for an unlimited number of data byte pairs which follow. For example, to play three notes on the same MIDI channel, a Note On status byte can be sent, followed by six data bytes (key # + velocity of note 1, key # + velocity of note 2, key # + velocity of note 3). To help minimize excessive data by using running status, the Note On command can also function to turn notes off by sending a velocity value of zero for the key # to be turned off.
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