Ear Training:
triads in all inversions
melodic dictation
Rhythmic dictation
“Standard” Chord progressions
Voice leading
Phrases periods
Non Chordal Tones
Analyze a piece similar the the Czerny (COULD BE ONE OF THE CZERNY PIECES!!!!)
Turn in a hand written copy with roman numerals for each chord and make sure that the following are clearly labeled:
6/4 chords
Email the Sibelius Copy
Note reading
Recite Key Signatures
Recite Major and minor scales learned so far
Play all major or minor scale with one finger reciting the notes
Play triads in all inversions
Triad drill in all keys - State the name of each chord while playing it - Example F minor: F minor - g diminished - Ab major - Bb minor - C major - Db minor - Eb major - E diminished - F minor
Cadences in 5 Major and minor keys THEORY I Cadences.pdf
Major, natural minor, harmonic minor and melodic minor with syllables
Triad drill in major and in minor
All ascending and descending intervals
All triads in root position
Sight read a rhythmic solfege
Learn solfege from handout
Compose a work for at least two instrumentalists and or singers to be performed during the final exam period that incorporates material learned during the semester
You need to arrange for your own performers
You may not ask faculty or accompanists to play your pieces
You may bring in outside musicians
Your piece must be notated correctly and legibly. Prepare parts for each instrumentalist – Pianists and singers can receive a score
At the performance, turn in a copy of the full score for the jury
A successful piece will be:
A good composition for at least two performers. The composer can be one of the performers.
Well-performed – You will need to arrange for the performers to rehearse adequately and come during the final exam period. Hint – find possible performers before you start writing
There is no minimum duration for the composition – The ultimate criterion is that the piece must sound complete and reveal effort on the part of the student
Not acceptable are:
A work for piano played by two performers, one hand each
An arrangement of someone else’s work
A piece that can’t be notated