The first of three one-credit courses in digital technologies, this course presents foundational knowledge on the principles that underlie digital resources and services in modern information society, with specific emphasis on data representation, encoding, formatting, and data modeling, providing students with conceptual and practical knowledge of the principles of knowledge representation in the form of digital data. With successful completion of the course, students will understand the role and principles of digital data that underlie modern methods of knowledge representation.
The second of three one-credit courses in digital technologies, this course presents foundational knowledge on the principles that underlie digital resources and services in modern information society, with specific emphasis on online information systems, the Internet, and data security, providing students with conceptual and practical knowledge of the principles of Internet and Web architecture and their application in online library and information systems. With successful completion of the course, students will understand the role and principles of Internet and Web technologies that enable the collection, protection, and dissemination of digital objects in modern library and information systems.
The third of three one-credit courses in digital technologies, this course presents foundational knowledge on the principles that underlie digital resources and services in modern information society, with specific emphasis on Web-based information applications, programming logic, Linked Data, and the interpretation of data. This course provides students with conceptual and practical knowledge of the principles of web-based information applications in online library and information systems. With successful completion of the course, students will understand the role and principles of Web-based applications and Linked Data that enable the management and use of modern library and information systems, and their content.
This course introduces a set of knowledge organization structures (KOS) and their representations in relationship to user experience design. Explains the theoretical foundations, design methods and norms, and historical and modern representations of the faceted, hierarchical, and networked knowledge organization structures while exploring the potential impacts of their applications on the user experience.
Barness, J., Catto, R., Petiya, S., & Raabe, W. (2024). Digital Scholarship Showcase (1–).
Petiya, S. (2023). A Linked Open Data model for describing comic book sequences: Exploring semantic enrichment opportunities with graphic medicine. Art Libraries Journal, 48(3), 74-79. doi:10.1017/alj.2023.13 [GitHub]
Petiya, S. (2022, October 3-7). Graphic medicine and LOD: Semantic enrichment of mental health comics metadata [Virtual panel presentation]. International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications (DCMI 2022), Virtual. [Slides] [Blog by JVMG]
Petiya, S. (2022, July 18-19). Enriching comic book and graphic novel metadata using Linked Open Data; a pilot study for comics about mental health [Virtual poster presentation]. Comics Studies and Practices Symposium. University of San Diego, Copley Library. San Diego, CA. [Slides] [GitHub]
Baker, T., Coyle, K., & Petiya, S. (2014). Multi-entity models of resource description in the semantic web: A comparison of FRBR, RDA, and BIBFRAME. Library Hi Tech, 32(4), 562-582.
Petiya, S. (2014). Best practice poster: Converting personal comic book collection records to linked data. In W. Moen & A. Rushing (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications (pp. 222-224). Austin, TX: Dublin Core Metadata Initiative.
Petiya, S. (2014). Building a semantic web of comics: Publishing linked data in HTML/RDFa using a comic book ontology and metadata application profiles [Master's thesis, Kent State University]. OhioLINK Electronic Theses and Dissertations Center.