

- Food sales taxes and employment. Journal of Regional Science forthcoming. (with Nadia Greenhalgh-Stanley and Jeffrey P. Thompson)
- Local Sales Taxes, Employment, and Tax Competition”. Regional Science and Urban Economics Volume 70, May 2018, Pages 373-383. (with Jeffrey P. Thompson)
- How Dark Is Dark? Bright Lights, Big City, Racial Profiling. Review of Economics and Statistics May 2016, Vol. 98, No. 2, Pages 226-232. (with William C. Horrace)
- The Spillover Effects of United States Foreign Trade Zones Applied Economics 2016. (with Sucharita Ghosh and C. Lockwood Reynolds)
- Does Bankruptcy Law Affect Business Turnover? Evidence from New and Existing Business. Economic Inquiry Vol. 54, Issue 1, January 2016, pp: 361-374.(with Amanda Ross)
- The Effects of Location-based Tax Policies on the Distribution of Household Income: Evidence from the Federal Empowerment Zone Program. Journal of Urban Economics 88, 2015, pp. 1-15. (with C. Lockwood Reynolds)
- Tax avoidance and business location in a state border model. Journal of Urban Economics 83, 2014, pp. 34-49. (with Stuart Rosenthal and Amanda Ross)
- The Impact of Import-related Displacement on Local Business Activity. Regional Science and Urban Economics 48, 2014, pp. 94-109. (with Jooyoun Park and C. Lockwood Reynolds)
- The Effect of Location Based Tax Incentives on Quality of Life and Quality of Business Life. Journal of Regional Science Vol. 54, No. 1, 2014, pp. 1-32. (with C. Lockwood Reynolds) [lead article]
- How does Bankruptcy Law Impact the Elderly and their Housing Decisions? Journal of Law and Economics May 2013: Vol. 56, No. 2, pp. 417-451. (with Nadia Greenhalgh-Stanley)
- Do Spatially Targeted Redevelopment Programs Spillover? Regional Science and Urban Economics 43 2013: issue 1, 86-100. (with Andrew Hanson)
- The Effect of Sales Taxes on Employment: New Evidence from Cross-Border Panel Data Analysis National Tax Journal December 2012: 1023-1042. (with Jeffery P. Thompson)
- Do Location-Based Tax Incentives Attract New Business Establishments? Journal of Regional Science 51 2011: 427-449. (with Andrew Hanson) [lead article]
- State Minimum Wage Rates and Business Location: Evidence from a Border Approach Journal of Urban Economics 69:1 2011: 103-117.
- The Effect of Location Based Tax Incentives on Establishment Location and Employment: Is there a Differential Impact across Industry Sectors? Public Finance Review March 2011 vol. 39 no. 2 195-225. (with Andrew Hanson) [lead article] Winner of the Most Outstanding Paper Award for 2011 in PFR
Working Papers

- Police Officer Experience, Learning and Bias in Traffic Stops” (with William Horrace and Hyunseok Jung)(submitted)
- Labor Unions and Occupational Safety” (with Ling Li and Perry Singleton)
- Do Spatially Targeted Redevelopment Incentives Work? The Answer Depends on How You Ask the Question” (with Andrew Hanson)
- Labor Unions and Occupational Safety” (with Ling Li and Perry Singleton)
- How do Businesses Respond to Capped-wage Subsides? Evidence from the Federal Empowerment Zone Program” (with Joel Elvery and C. Lockwood Reynolds)
- Mandate-based Health Care Reform and Business Activity: Evidence from Massachusetts” (with Nadia Greenhalgh-Stanley)
- The Effect of Property Taxes on Businesses: Evidence from a Dynamic Regression Discontinuity Approach” (with Ali Enami and C. Lockwood Reynolds)
Contact and About

Department of Economics
Kent State University
Kent, OH 44242
Econ. Office: (330) 672-1098
Center of Ent.: (330) 672-9426
Primary Fields: Urban and Regional Economics, Entrepreneurship, Public Finance
Secondary Fields: Labor Economics, Real Estate, Environmental Economics, Racial Profiling
Shawn Rohlin is the Director of the Center for Entrepreneurship and Business Innovation at Kent State University and an Associate Professor of Economics at Kent State University. He is currently an associate editor at Journal of Regional Science as well as Economic Development Quarterly. His fields of research are in Urban and Regional Economics, Entrepreneurship, and Public Finance. His business research primarily focuses on the determinants of businesses such as agglomeration, displacement, and effects of government policies. He has studied the effects of location-based tax incentives, taxation, bankruptcy law and the minimum wage.
His research has published in general interest economics journals (Review of Economics and Statistics, Journal of Law and Economics, and Economic Inquiry) as well as urban and regional economics journals (Journal of Urban Economics, Journal of Regional Science, and Regional Science and Urban Economics.
He has received over $600,000 from 10 externally-funded grants. This includes $76,600 from the Kauffman Foundation to study how local property taxation affects entrepreneurship using regression discontinuity design as well as $280,000 from the National Institute of Justice to study how police officer learning and mentoring affect racial profiling. Lastly, he has received the David C. Lincoln Fellowship in Land Value Taxation in 2012 and 2018.
He received his Ph.D. and Master's degree in economics from Syracuse University in 2009 and 2006, respectively. Shawn also graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Economics from Rochester Institute of Technology in 2004.
Curriculum Vitae


- Regional Economics
- Applications of Mathematical Models
- Regional Economic Analysis and Development
- Seminar in Economic Impact Studies
- Regional Economics
- Labor Economics
- Economics of Entrepreneurship
- Principles of Macroeconomics
- Principles of Microeconomics