You are receiving this message because you enrolled in at least one Computer Information Systems class this semester which qualifies you to participate in the Microsoft Developer Network Academic Alliance (MSDNAA).  Some of you have already made use of MSDNAA by copying the Studio .NET DVDs for installation on your personal computers.


Another feature of MSDNAA is the ability to download Microsoft software – such as Windows 7 – free of charge via the e-Academy licensing management and electronic delivery system (eLMS). 


Information on MSDNAA is available at:


In particular you should read the Privacy Policy information at:


If you are interested in having an account on the eLMS server fill out the Google Form at


I will submit your KSU Flashline email address to eLMS.  Within two business days you should receive a message from eLMS with your password.


The KSU MIS subscription to MSDNAA is generously sponsored by the Center for Information Systems