Chapter 11


Fill in the blanks in each of the following statements:

a) Because JavaScript uses objects to perform many tasks, JavaScript is commonly referred to as a(n) object -based programming language.

b) All objects have attributes and exhibit behaviors.

c) The methods of the Math. object all ow you to perform many common mathematical calculations.

d) Invoking (or calling) a method of an object is referred to as sending a message to the object.

e) String literals or string constants are written as a sequence of characters in double quotation marks or single quotation marks.

f) Indices for the characters in a string start at 0.

g) String methods indexOf and lastIndexOf search for the first and last occurrences of a substring in a String, respectively.

h) The process of breaking a string into tokens is called tokenization.

i) String method link formats a String as a hyperlink.

j) Date and time processing can be performed based on the computer's local time zone, or on World Time Standard's Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

k) Date method parse receives as its argument a string representing a date and time, and returns the number of milliseconds between midnigh, January 1, 1970, and the specified date and time.
