Consider a set of areas, A = {A1, A2, . . . , An} in R2 where 1≤ n ≤ ∞.
Under these assumptions, a distance from a point to an area Ai is define as the shortest distance from p to Ai, i.e.,
ds (p, Ai) = minxi {|| x-xi
|| : xi
where x and xi are the location vectors of p and pi, respectively. With this distance, we define the set of area of voronoi region associated with Ai by
V(Ai) = {p : ds(p, Ai)
≤ ds(p,
Aj), j ≠ i, i, j
Using above definitions, a set of the area Voronoi regions is V(A) = {V(A1), V(A2), . . . , V(An)}, the area Voronoi diagram generated by the generator set A.
Mathematically, an area includes a line and a line includes a point. Thus the area Voronoi diagram includes the line Voronoi diagram. Thus, we can regard the area Voronoi diagram as a generalization of the line Voronoi diagram as well the ordinary Voronoi diagram.
Area Voronoi diagram are useful for robot path planning. The problem is to find a path, if it exists, on which a polygon representing a robot can move with colliding with obstacles A1, A2, . . . , An.