NANODe  Version 1

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NANODe Synonomy Table

Below is a table of those species in NANODe version 1 that underwent reclassification in the past 25 years.  The  source of this information is Kempf, 1997 (see Taxonomic References).

        This table is designed to aid those unfamiliar with the ostracode taxonomic literature.  Many common species appear in the ecological, environmental, and geochemical literature under different names, particularly in papers published after 1980.  The NANODe database uses the most recent names available.  If you cannot find the species listed in a journal article in the alphabetical species list (see link to left), please check this Synonomy Table.  If you are aware of important reclassifications for a species in this table that are not shown here, we would like to hear from you, so that we may update the table in NANODe version 2.

Species Name
Name in Use Prior to 1980

Fabaeformiscandona acuminata (Fischer, 1854),

Danielopol, 1980
Candona acuminata (Fischer), 1854

Pseudocandona albicans (Brady, 1864), Olteanu,  1995

Candona albicans Brady, 1864

Fabaeformiscandona caudata (Kaufmann 1900),

Danielopol et al., 1988
Candona caudata Kaufmann, 1900  
Fabaeformiscandona rawsoni (Tressler, 1957)
Griffiths, 1995  based on soft parts only)
Candona rawsoni Tressler, 1954
Pseudocandona stagnalis (Sars, 1890)
Meisch & Broodbakker, 1993
Candona stagnalis Sars, 1890

Fabaeformiscandona wegelini (Petrovski, 1962),

Danielopol, 1980
Candona wegelini Petrovski, 1962

Strandesia affinis (Fischer, 1851), Martens, 1994

Cypricercus affinis (Fischer, 1851), Sars, 1925

Also, you may find the species you are looking for here:

Informal Names in Frequent Use in the North American Paleoclimate and Paleoenvironmental Literature

Species Name Informal Name in Use (Not Yet Reclassified)
Eucypris meadensis Gutentag & Benson, 1962
Strandesia meadensis cited in Kaufman et al.,2002
see Geochemistry  References for full citation
Cyprinotus carolinensis Ferguson, 1958
Heterocypris carolinensis ited in  Smith et al., 2003
see Ecol &  Environ. References for full citation
Cyprinotus glaucus Furtos, 1933
Heterocypris glaucus cited in  Smith et al., 1993
see Ecol & Environ. References for full citation