Ab-initio calculation of the electronic absorption of functionalized octahedral silsesquioxanes via time-dependent density functional theory with range separated hybrid functionals
Heidi Phillips, Shaohui Zheng, Alexander Hyla, Richard Laine, Theodore Goodson III, Eitan Geva, and Barry D. Dunietz,
J. Phys. Chem. A.
(2012) 1137
Recent advances in the ability to functionalize octahedral silsesquioxanes with different photoactive ligands, and thereby tune their optical properties, suggest that these molecules may serve as potential building blocks of light-harvesting, photovoltaic, and photonic devices. In this paper we report extensive ab initio calculations of the excitation energies underlying the absorption spectra of these systems. The calculations are based on density functional theory for the ground electronic state and time-dependent density functional theory for the excited electronic states. The ability of the commonly used B3LYP functional to reproduce the experimentally observed absorption excitation energies is compared to that of recently developed range-separated hybrid functionals. The importance of pairing the range-separated hybrid functionals with basis sets that include diffuse and polarization basis functions is demonstrated in the case of vinyl-functionalized silsesquioxanes. Absorptive excitation energies are then calculated and compared with experiment for octahedral silsesquioxanes functionalized with larger ligands. The tunability of optical properties is demonstrated by considering the effect on the excitation energies of functionalizing the ligands with electron-donating or -withdrawing groups.
Conductance of a cobalt(II) terpyridine complex based molecular transistor
Conductance of a cobalt(II) terpyridine complex based molecular transistor: A computational analysis
Trilisa M. Perrine and Barry D. Dunietz,
Journal of Physical Chemistry A: Lester Special Issue,
112 (2008), 2043-2048.
A recent experiment, in which a molecular transistor based on the coordination chemistry of cobalt(II) and organic self-assembly-monolayers is formed by means of self-aligned lithography, is analyzed with a computational approach. The calculations reveal that a complex involving two cobalt(II) ions bridged by acetate ions can effectively span the nano-gap. This bridged complex is shown to be both more flexible and more conductive than the alternative structure involving a
single cobalt(II) ion. The single cobalt(II) ion complex is the more stable structure in a non-confined environment (i.e. in solution), but is found to be less effective at connecting the leads of the fabricated gap and is less
likely to result in a conductive device.
Ab-initio study of the emissive charge-transfer states of solvated
chromophore-functionalized silsesquioxanes
Shaohui Zheng, Heidi Phillips, Eitan Geva, and Barry D. Dunietz,
J. Amer. Chem. Soc.
(2012) 6944-47
Recent experimental advances in the ability to tune the optical properties of silsesquioxanes by functionalizing them with photoactive ligands have made these compounds attractive candidates for building blocks of photovoltaic materials. We employ state-of-the-art ab initio methodologies to determine the nature of the excited charge-transfer (CT) states that give rise to a large red-shift between absorption and emission in these molecules, in comparison to the corresponding red-shift in the individual ligand. The calculations are based on time-dependent density functional theory and employ the recently developed Baer–Neuhauser–Livshits range-separated hybrid (RSH) functional. Solvent effects are accounted for via a combination of charge-constrained density functional theory and the polarizable continuum model. We find that the experimentally observed red-shift is consistent with identifying the emissive state as a ligand-to-ligand, rather than a ligand-to-silsesquioxane, CT state. We also find that the enhanced red-shift cannot be explained without accounting for solvation effects, and we demonstrate the importance of using a RSH functional to obtain reliable predictions regarding the emissive state.
Myeong H. Lee and Barry D. Dunietz
Phys. Rev. B.
(2013) 045421
Active control of heat flow is challenging. We demonstrate that molecular spin valves offer a unique opportunity for achieving this goal. Our first-principles calculations of the transport of electrons and phonons in nickel-benzenedithiol-nickel junctions show that when the magnetization direction of the electrodes is changed from parallel to antiparallel the junctions become thermally insulating. Our findings, therefore, suggest a novel avenue for actively controlling thermal transport via the spin degree of freedom.
Gating dependence of single molecule field effect transistors on contact symmetry
Gating dependence of single molecule field effect transistors on contact symmetry
Trilisa Perrine and Barry D. Dunietz,
J. Amer. Chem. Soc.,
132 (2010) 2914-2918
The geometric aspects for the functionality of a molecular-based field
effect transistor (FET) are analyzed. A computational study is
performed on molecular models involving a well defined conjugation
plane coupled to gold-based electrodes through thiol
bonding. Transport gating of the FET is shown to depend on a
symmetry-breaking effect induced by the gating-field. This effect is
also related to the orientation of the field relative to the
gold-thiol bonds, the molecular conjugation plane, and the overall
symmetry of the device. It is found that the presence of a center of
inversion in the bulk-coupled molecular system results in the
cancellation of the transisting response. The presence of a plane of
symmetry which includes the transport vector, in a reduced symmetry
system, results in a gating response only to electric fields oriented
perpendicular to that mirror plane.