Open to Men
Maximum members: 10
Statement of Purpose: To bring honor to Hercules, the Emperor, and to Ostia, and to throw sexy toga parties with slave girls.
Patron Deity: Hercules
Highest Ranking: Quinquennalis (3)
Next Highest Ranking: Curator (2)
Third Highest Ranking: Censor (2)
Highest Level: Supreme Patron; Requires: 7000 Endowment
Next Highest Level: Awesome Patron; Requires: 5000 Endowment
Third Highest Level: Pretty Sweet Friend of Hercules; Requires: 3000 Endowment
A. Nasennius Cassianus (Nikie Kaptur), Quinquennalis and Supreme Patron (10230 denarii in benefactions)
T. Aemilius Draco (Jacob Beurmann), President and Supreme Patron (24750 denarii in benefactions)
Q. Rubrius Flaccus (Pamela Robinson), Quinquennalis and Pretty Sweet Friend of Hercules Patron (5911 denarii in benefactions)
Q. Lucilius Cicero (Rachel Crescimanno), Treasurer (1729 denarii in benefactions)
L. Rubrius Rufinus (Jess Dorfman), Treasurer and Pretty Sweet Friend of Hercules Patron (3050 denarii in benefactions)
A. Lucilius Felix (Adrienne Langan), Censor (2558 denarii in benefactions)
Ti. Aemilius Musicus (Jessica Schuckert), Member (0 denarii in benefactions)
D. Aemilius Sorex (Betsy Karras), Member and Supreme Patron (11972 denarii in benefactions)
C. Nasennius Felix (Machelle Yutzy), Member and Awesome Patron (6723 denarii in benefactions)
T. Nasennius Magnus (Edward Howarth), Censor and Pretty Sweet Friend of Hercules Patron (3650 denarii in benefactions)
T. Rubrius Amor (Britney Meteney), Member and Pretty Sweet Friend of Hercules Patron (10173 denarii in benefactions)