Psychology 41282-002
Theories of Personality
Fall 2005 Monday-Wednesday 4:25 to 5:40
101 Kent Hall
Instructor: |
David M. Fresco, Ph.D.
Office: |
226 Kent Hall Annex
Office Hours: |
TBA & By appointment
Email/Telephone: | / (330) 672-4049
Course Web Page: |
Assigned Text: |
Engler, B. (2003). Personality Theories: An Introduction (7 th Edition). Boston: Houghton Mifflin. (ISBN 0-618-49662-9) It's available at the bookstore. The publisher also has a webpage for our text. Click here.
Description: |
This course is designed as an introduction to personality. The scope of this course will offer an overview of the many different perspectives/theories that attempt to encompass human personality; in essence, why we are the way we are. By the end of the course, you will be conversant in several of the prevailing theories of personality and demonstrate the ability to objectively critique them. Along the way, we will remain mindful of issues relating to the formation of human personality.
Examinations: |
There will be four tests and one quiz. Three of the tests will take place during the semester and the fourth test will occur during the final examination period. The tests will be multiple choice and possibly short answer. The exams are not cumulative. If you must miss an exam, you must notify me in advance. If your absence is not excused, you may be required to complete a make-up exam of a completely different format.
Computer/Internet: |
Some of the materials that I will provide for you will be audio/video files that require you to install free software on your computer. 1. One title you may need is 2. You may also need the 3. Finally, all notes and other files will be distributed or available for download
Notes/Study Guides: | I do provide handouts for my lectures in hopes that you will not simply spend your time writing what you see on the screen or the board. You can download them from the webpage. Do not assume that you know it all just because you have my notes. Experience has shown me that students who do not attend class and think they can get by on downloading the notes do poorly! Similarly, at the beginning of each chapter, I will present a list of important points, big ideas, and concepts that will provide you with a glimpse of how I am organizing that chapter. The exams will be made of up largely of questions associated with these big ideas. |
Final Grade: |
Your grade for the course will be computed as follows: |
Extra Credit: | There will be a few extra questions on the exams. Answering a question correctly will add one point to your exam score. There will be no penalty for answering incorrectly. In addition, I am going to experiment with 1-minute written assignments that will be worth 1-point each to be applied to your lowest exam grade. You must be present to get the point. The assignment may be write a 1-minute opinion on some relevant topic. Or it might be write an exam question to be used on the next exam. |
SDS: |
University policy 3342-3-18 requires that students with disabilities be provided reasonable accommodations to ensure their equal access to course content. If you have a documented disability and require accommodations, please contact the instructor at the beginning of the semester to make arrangements for necessary classroom adjustments. Please note, you must first verify your eligibility for these through Student Disability Services (contact 330-672-3391) or visit for more information on registration procedures.
Aug-29 |
First Class Meeting, Introductions, Nuts & Bolts of the class Discussion of philosphical underpinnings of Western Civilization, Cartesian Dualism, the Disease Model, etc. |
What Engler means by personality? The History of Personality Psychology; Personality Paradigms |
Sept-05 |
No class Sept 5 for Labor Day Holiday Complete Chapter 1; Review for Quiz 1
Sept-12 |
The Psychodynamic Paradigm Freud Other Psychodynamic Thinkers |
Sept-19 |
Other Psychodynamic Thinkers |
Ch. 6 Big Ideas Ch. 6 Notes (p. 144-159)
Sept-26 |
Other Psychodynamic Thinkers Review for Exam 1 |
Oct-03 |
EXAM 1 Covering Chs. 2-4
Oct-10 |
Other Humanistic theorists
Oct-17 |
Review for Exam 2 Exam 2 Covering Chs. 13-14
Oct-24 |
Oct-31 |
Other Trait theorists |
Nov-07 |
Trait Paradigm (continued) Review for Exam 3 |
Nov-14 |
No class Nov 16--DMF at ABCT in DC |
Nov-21 |
THE COGNITIVE-BEHAVIORAL PARADIGM No class Nov 23 for Thanksgiving Day Holiday
Nov-28 |
Cognitive-Behavioral Paradigm (continued)
Dec-05 |
Cognitive-Behavioral Paradigm (continued) Review for Exam 4 (Final Exam) |
Final Exam: Monday, December 12, 5:45 to 8:00 Covers: Chs. 8, 16 |
Really, really important!!!!! Exam 4 is much more based on lecture notes and less so on the text than the previous exams!!!!!! |