Adjusting Overshoots and Undershoots



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Overshoots: The overshoots can be adjusted in one of the following ways;


A.     In this method you will select the overshoot by clicking on it and then delete it.


Arcedit: coordinate mouse

Arcedit: drawe arc tic ids

Arcedit: editf arc

Arcedit: sel many


Select all the overshoots, press 9 on the keyboard.


Arcedit: delete


All the overshoots will be deleted.


B.     In this method the overshoots are adjusted by using a “box”.


Arcedit: drawe arc tic ids

Arcedit: editf arc

Arcedit: sel box


Draw a box around the overshoot.



Arcedit: drawselect

Arcedit: delete


The selected overshoot will be deleted.



Undershoots: The undershoots can be adjusted by;


  1. If the undershoot is large, delete the arc and re-digitize it.
  2. If the undershoot is small, use the following procedure;


Arcedit: drawe node on

Arcedit: editf node

Arcedit: draw

Arcedit: move


Move the node to its proper position and press 9 to quit.

Don’t forget to clean and build the polygons, and the save the project.

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