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Doug's Boat Page
are free!

(but also copyrighted!)


No.11 Plans


Stitch-and-Tape Kayak Plans!

O.K., long time coming, here are my latest plans for a Stitch-and-Tape kayak, (currently not named) once again, copywrited by me, but available for personal use.

All information and materials are (Copyright) 1997 by Doug Garmon. Non-commercial use is o.k., however, you may not reproduce this material in this or any other media

Important note: Because the data presented has been 'unfolded' and measured against an abitrary axis, I don't know what will happen if you scale one of the dimentions up or down (scaling both equally is o.k.). Probably something unpleasant (i.e., it will probably 'skew' the proportions, and maybe NOT in the same directions for each figure).

A rendering of the boat

From a viewpoint slightly below the vertical center of the boat.

LOA 17 feet
Breadth 22.5 inches.
A Photo of #11, courtesy of Ricco

Whoa! A 3d VRML world version of the kayak!

Stitch-and-tape kayak VRML format

I spent a couple of days writing a comp prog to convert boat offsets into flat, 'unfolded' representations of the original data. That program generated the data from which I produced the representations you see here(.dxf, .geo) , the 'unfolded' dimentions(text, postscript), also.

The actual lines of the boat took far longer to design than the program.

An image of the the unfolded garboard

The unfolded sheerplank


Clearly, the figures are created by transforming the 3d offsets of the boat into triangles that 'grow' outward from the first. Then perpendiculars are drawn from a (derived) baseline at intervals and where they cross the 'unfolded' figure, are measured. These '.gif' images are much too lowres for anything but examples (I also cannot guarantee they are correctly proportioned).

What can you do with it? Well, if building a real kayak isn't your speed, you could output the postscript files to a printer (scale 'em as you like, but be sure to retain the proportions), spray mount 'em on cardboard and make your own model! (just a hint--hot melt glue!)

The postscript files have index #, which refer to measurements in an .unfold file. This format contains the 'real' data needed to build a boat (see the readme file for a description).

A .zip archive of the plans:

Stitch-and-tape kayak plans

Wow, what great documentation! (yeeccchhh)

A short Text description of the boat.

You probably will need a book on Stitch-and-Tape boatbuilding (check the library) or read a description of the process online (there are several sources).

Jump to Doug's Resources Page for links to S+T tutorials!