Skakforening, Denmark - Contains online games (java), club journals
in PDF..
Aaron's Winboard Page - Articles to help beginners
understand and use Winboard Programs as well as cover other Computer Chess
Issues for beginners.
Best Chess Tables, The -- Link directory.
Chess Move Record
- American
Chess School, The -- Info. about Chess Camps and Coaching
Exeter Chess Club Coaching Page -- A page for
people interested in teaching and learning about chess.
FIDE Laws of Chess
- JC
Innovations - Chessblock: Digital chess clock.
John Elburg's Chessbook Review Pages -- Gives
monthly reviews on new Chess books, magazines, CD-ROMs, etc. by all leading
publishers. More then 175 reviews can be found on theme, publisher and author.
Weekly news also provided. So come around often.
Home page of The Chess Variant Pages
Masterman Chess Club -- Information on the National
Champion Masterman Chess Club.
Marek Trokenheim's home page - Especially for 1.b4 fans!
Minnesota State Chess Association [MSCA] -- Updated chess calendar
for Minnesota and surrounding areas, articles, games.
My Chess Site
- Russian
Something about Chess -- information on chess, chess players, the
history of chess, the history of the chess Oscar, statistics of the world
championship, photos of the champions, old literature, and a large collection
of links to popular chess sites.

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