| | Hints and TipsIntervals, Scales and Chords Practice singing the intervals, scales and chords before you start When doing the exercises try not to sing out loud as you can't sing during tests.
- Rhythmic Dictation
- Notate on paper first. Then copy into MacGamut. Trust me it is faster in the long run. Less errors!!!
- Before you start write out on paper the "grid" you will use to "follow" the dictation
- Melodic Dictation
- Slow down tempo if necessary
- Figure out what the syllable of the first pitch is.
- Sing to DO
- Notate on paper first. Then copy into MacGamut. Trust me it is faster in the long run. Less errors!!!
- Use the number-pad to select note values: MacGAMUT Keyboard Shortcuts
- Use select to highlight note and move them up and down with the arrows
- Harmonic Dictation