The Midterm will be multiple-choice and matching

  1. user id/MLAB
  2. Drives C and I - What is particular to drive C?
  3. Drives M and S

Cubase Interface:

  1. Transport Toolbar

  2. Project Cursor

  3. Track

  4. Inspector

  5. Track List

  6. Event Display

  7. Left Locator

  8. Right Locator

  9. Snap

  10. Tempo Display

  11. Cycle

  12. Play

  13. Go to start (or previous marker)

  14. Rewind

  15. Record

  16. Solo

  17. Mute

  18. Track Volume

  19. Stop

  20. Clip

  21. Cut

  22. Draw

  23. Autoscroll

  24. Event Infoline


  1. Backing up a project to a different location, drive or computer.
  2. Using Snap, measure, beat and quantize
  3. Using the grid - What determines the size of the grid?
  4. Resizing Clips
  5. Fading in Clips
  6. Changing the volume and Pan of a track
  7. Resizing the grid to fit an audio CLIP
  8. Resizing and audio clip to conform to the grid


Power Point Presentations
  1. The Computer
  2. Sound Cards
  3. Acoustics

Acoustics and Technology

  1. Elastic Medium

  2. The 4 physical attributes of sound

  3. The 4 perceptual attributes of sound

  4. Sound - Waves - Medium

  5. Wave form

  6. What do the axis represent? Time and pressure

  7. Frequency

  8. Amplitude

  9. Hertz

  10. Sine Wave

  11. Partials

  12. Harmonics, Fundamental, Overtones

  13. Frequencies of the overtones

  14. Saw tooth Wave

  15. Square wave

  16. What does Audacity do?

  17. Basic Principals of a Sound Card

  18. What are the functions of a Sound Card?

  19. What are the Inputs and outputs?

  20. What does MIDI stand for?

  21. Synthesizer

Acoustics and Technology students

Pitches and intervals of the first sixteen overtones