MUS 21114: MP-II - Sequencing





Possible types of projects:

  1. Create an original composition using MIDI in Cubase
  2. Transcribe into MIDI a score
  3. Produce a preexisting MIDI file using Cubase
    1. Send the original file to the instructor
    2. Remove all MIDI data except note messages

All final projects must have at least:

  • 8 MIDI tracks
  • Evidence of the use different recording techniques
  • MIDI Controller data
  • MIDI inserts
  • 4 Different synths (only the ones available in the LAB)
    • Must use at least 2 tracks with HALion

:You must also:

  • Label all tracks and clips
  • Be synchronized to the grid
  • Include a Marker track that "describes" the important sections
  • Indicate in notepad how you recorded your material and what type of modifiers you used
  • Set the levels appropriately in the Mixer
  • Include VST effects to the audio channels

You will also be evaluated on:

  1. In class execution
  2. Effort
  3. Creativity
  4. The project playing back correctly in the lab