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Adam Sullivan

I make my own world and I give form to my world through my work. It has a lot of forests and seas and there is lawn furniture everywhere and everybody gets sick. Nobody can really communicate but to make convoluted puns. Nobody understands anybody else too well. Visions don't need visionaries, they occur on their own. All of the art that is made is absurd and redundant to look at because everything is already so bewildering, so they try to make jokes instead. There is a very famous book about a man with an upside-down face that nobody has read, but still it is very important to everybody. It is known for a significant quote, "Man created God in His own image." Everybody knows they are in a narrative but that it's somebody else's. Everybody is probably afflicted with Asperger's syndrome, but they probably don't know it because there is nobody who isn't. Everybody is in love with somebody but also nobody is in love with anybody. It is too difficult for everybody, somebody, anybody, and nobody to understand who they are and what "they" means. To wonder about it is very exciting though, and gives existence its meaning.

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This work is disseminated under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States license.