
Congratulations on your recent appointment. As project leader for the development of the new grading system for a local school, you have a big task ahead of you. Partnered to work with you are some of the best programmers in the company. They are all versed in a variety of programming languages.

However, they've never had to work together or share code with others. The grading system is going to require a great deal of sharing of routines and logic. It's also going to require some interactive debugging as the project takes shape. Unfortunately, your company has never adopted any programming standards. While each of these programmers writes a terrific final product, they all have their own individual preferences and techniques.

Your job as project leader is to get all of these programmers on the same wavelength. In order to do this, you will have to do some background research about programming standards and summarize it in a form that will be usable by your team members.



The Process