The Task

Did we mention that your programmers are not all located in the same location? In fact, they are all located in different  offices in Ohio: Chardon, Mayfield Heights, and Solon.

Fortunately, your company is high-tech and all of the programmers have a high speed connection to the company's intranet.

As you complete this webquest, you will be posting programming specifications to the company's intranet in the form of webpages or, on a Wiki. Sure, we could just send the programmers onto the Internet to do some reading but that wouldn't solve the problem. YOU have to do the research, synthesize your readings, and post the standards for this project.

In particular, you must address:

  1. What programming paradigm (procedural or object oriented) is best suited for a project of this type?
  2. What programming language is best for the paradigm selected?
  3. Descriptive naming conventions for constants, variables, and expressions;
  4. Modular Procedural Standards;
  5. The "Look and Feel" of your product, with careful attention given to end user needs;
  6. Internal and external documentation to a specific set of standards to ensure clarity and maintainability.

Your job is to do the reading and post project guidelines addressing the items listed to a website or Wiki. The website or the Wiki will then be posted to the intranet and referenced by all project members.



The Process