Family Tree Form

Please complete my survey so I can learn a little more about you and your interest in learning more about your own family history.
Fill in the boxes and click submit when you're finished. Thank you!

Your information

First name:     Last Name:     E-mail Address:

Family tree interest

How much do you know about your family history? (beyond your immediate family)
I have no knowledge of my ancestry.  
I have some basic knowledge of my ancestry. (ex. grandparents' families)  
I know a good amount about my ancestry. (ex. great-grandparents and beyond)  
I know a great amount about my ancestry. (ex. great-great-great grandparents, distant cousins, etc.)  
I've mapped out my entire family tree, dating back to the 14th century.  

Do you have any interest in finding out more about your family history?
No, none at all.  
Sure, if it doesn't cost me anything.  
Yes, even if it costs some money for research.  
Absolutely, no matter the cost.  

Select the website(s) you would likely consider to learn more about your family tree  

Your background

If you know, what is your family's main country of origin?

   Country of origin not listed:

Lastly, can you tell me you thought about this family tree website?

Thank you for your completing my survey!

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