school of fish in dark water                                                                                                                                          











1.  Before you start researching the animal you want, you must first decide as a group which amazing animal you are going to research. To aid in this, as a group or by yourself go watch this video about animals and look through this website.

2.  Once you and your group decide on an animal, select one person to come up and write it down on the group assignment paper so we all know which animal to expect. (You can change the animal if you desire after you start, just let me know)

3.  We will be using the internet to find facts about the animals, so once every group decides on an animal, we will go over how to navigate the internet safely and quickly, because you don’t want to spend hours trying to find out whether a stingray likes deep or shallow waters. It will be your task to find the information you need and want to use. I will be around to help.

4.  Students who want to use library books will be allowed to go to the library with the assistant or in pairs.

5.  Day 1: Print out the Habitat sheet under resources. Fill it out according to your animal, everyone will have water, but be more specific; does it live in lakes, oceans, saltwater, deep oceans, shallow waters? Spend some time coloring it to your liking. Use these sites to find information: National Geographic, Learning Center

6.  Day 2: Print out the Diet sheet under resources. Fill it out according to what your animal eats. Does it eat smaller fish? Does it eat seaweed? Spend time to color the sheet. Some sites to aid in search: Video-YouTube, SPS, National Geographic

7.  Day 3: Print out Interesting facts sheet under resources. Fill it out and color. Some sites for facts: SoftSchools, NASA

8.  Day 4: Print out Main topic sheet, color it and grab a piece of poster board from front of class. Cut out and color letters to spell out your animal’s name (example), use construction paper to create a flat model of your animal (example), and place it all together on the poster board (example)

9.  Day 5: Presentation day, as a group decide who will say what portion of the poster board. Practice, Practice, Practice.






