Root Position Triads- All triads should contain a root a third and a fifth
- The fifth sometimes is omitted
- Double the root except in diminished chords, where you will usually double the third and in the VI chord of a V - VI progression where you will also double the third.
Guidelines- When possible leave common tones in the same voice.
- When the bass moves by thirds or sixths there are two notes in common
- When the bass moves by fourths or fifths there is one note in common
- When the bass moves by seconds or sevenths there are no notes in common and all upper parts should move in contrary motion to the bass
Exceptions: In the V-vi or V-VI progression the third of the submediant chord is doubled for the leading tone to resolve to the tonic. Voicing of V-I or V-i | | | | | Standard | | No fifth | | "frustrated leading tone" the ti-sol part can't be in the soprano. | |