









You will turn in EVERYTHING for this assignment. This includes free writes, any other notes, summary questions, your three papers, as well as your three artwork manipulations done in Paint with explanations.

You will be graded on each of the three papers that you write for this assignment.

·         Each paper must contain at least 500 words

·         Pay attention to grammar, it will be a part of your grade!

·         It must be evident that you did research on each artist. The validity of your sources will be considered. You can refer to the information literacy PowerPoint we talked about previously.

·         Please include your own opinion and ideas about the artworks that you chose! One of the biggest parts of art is the viewer talking about what THEY see.

·         Cite your sources. No citations will result in a ZERO. If you need help, ask! There are helpful links on the Resources page.


Paper Rubric

Summary Questions

You will be graded on each of the three Paint manipulations you do for the artworks you chose. If it is clear that you put in effort, you will receive a full 10 points for each one.

·         Be creative and have fun! This is meant to bring these artworks into the 21st century with technology.

·         Your manipulations are allowed to be as simple as using a variety of brush tools to add new, vibrant colors.

·         You can abstract representational work.

·         You can add other images over top of the original work.

·         In a brief paragraph, explain how you manipulated each artwork!











