











1.) To begin look at this video to take a brief tour of the museum. Take notes in your sketchbook. What are people doing, what do you notice, is this somewhere you would like to visit in person and why?

2.) You can go on a more in depth tour of the Louvre. You can click on whatever area you like, if you see an artwork/artifact you have not heard of before that you are intrigued by, click on it to learn more about it! You can download Flash. It should cause no harm to your computer.

3.) There are a lot of artworks and objects at the Louvre that have interesting tales to go along with them. Try to find an artwork at the Louvre that has a tale behind it. You can see a list of the works, and you can click on them to learn more! Don’t use this to find all your works. You will have a chance to look at the larger collection in the next steps.

4.) You will then start searching the collection of artwork at The Louvre. Begin your search! Don’t choose the first works you see. Spend some time with the works and find some that you are intrigued by. You can view some of the different exhibitions that have been displayed at the Louvre. You are more than welcome to choose artifacts/objects that are in the museum as well. Remember: they must be from artists you have not heard of before! Please don’t choose all paintings. Explore art in all its forms!

5.) When you find an artwork that you would like to view closer, click on it, read and take notes in a word document about the work. Remember that you will have to choose three works of art by the end of this lesson.

6.) The Louvre has an ENORMOUS section of decorative art. Use the search engine on the Louvre website to explore decorative art from different time periods. What do you notice about these works? Watch this video to learn more about decorative art.



7.) Once you have taken the information you can from the Louvre website, use a search engine that we have learned about (Do NOT use Google) to discover more information about your artist and their work. You can look up videos on YouTube as well.

8.) You may be wondering, how on earth do I begin to talk or think about these works of art? Here is a video to help get you started. This video will help you discover ways to write an effective paper about art as well.

9.) Talking about art, especially art that is unfamiliar to us can become overwhelming. One of the most beneficial ways I have found to begin a conversation or spark an idea for a paper about an artwork is to free write about what I am seeing, thinking, and feeling. There does not have to be any cohesion to this writing, it is just a tool to begin sorting through ideas and visual information. Free write for each work of art or object you choose. In this case you will be typing so it can be submitted in your final project.

10.) Once you have finished taking notes and researching your artworks you will have to write a 500-word paper for each one. The rubric for the paper will be listed below.

11.) For the studio portion of this project, you will be digitally manipulating images of the objects/artworks you chose in Microsoft Paint. Watch this video for a tutorial on manipulating the works you choose.



Summary Questions

Paper Rubric

Paint Example

Information Literacy







