

An encyclopedia is a book or series of books that contains information on all branches of knowledge or treats comprehensively a particular branch of knowledge usually in articles arranged alphabetically by subject.  

1. the circle of arts and sciences; a general system of instruction or knowledge.

2. a book or set of books giving information on all branches of knowledge, generally in articles alphabetically arranged.

3. a similar work giving information on one field of knowledge.

Britannica Online

This web site allows users to search and read (for free!) the full text of the Encyclopedia Britannica, "the oldest and largest general reference in the English language." A search on Britannica's site will produce results from the Encyclopedia, as well as Britannica's directory of web sites, selected articles from magazines like Newsweek, and a version of Books in Print. To narrow a search to just the Encyclopedia, you will need to use the search labeled -More Options-.

Author: Britannica.com, Inc.

The Columbia Encyclopedia: Sixth Edition

This is an online version of the current (year 2000) edition of the Columbia Encyclopedia, a one volume, short-entry encyclopedia with over 50,000 entries.

Author: Columbia University / Bartleby.Com (webmaster@bartleby.com)

Compton's Encyclopedia Online

"The complete text of Compton's Encyclopedia-more than 37,000 articles-provides detailed information on almost any topic you want to explore. In addition to its richly cross-referenced text, Compton's Encyclopedia Online offers more than 1,000 pictures, flags, maps, and charts, as well as tables and MIDI and other sound files."

Author: The Learning Company, Inc. 

Encyclopedia Smithsonian

"The Smithsonian Institution receives a great many public inquiries covering a wide range of topics. Therefore, the following responses have been compiled to answer frequently asked questions or to provide guidance in finding the requested information. New information will be added continually." Topics covered: Armed Forces History, Anthropology, Mineral Sciences, Musical History, Physical Sciences, Services, Textiles Conservation, Transportation History, and Vertebrate Zoology.

Author: Smithsonian Institution (webmaster@si.edu)


"EncycloZine is a hybrid portal / concise encyclopedia, with fun interactivities for learning and exercising the mind. Daily articles introduce new topics in the arts, humanities, science, and technology, and links for further study."

Author: (rocky@encyclozine.com)

Funk and Wagnalls Encyclopedia

"Complete Funk & Wagnalls unabridged 29-volume encyclopedia, enriched with multimedia: animations, sounds, music, flags, maps and more." Also, access the Reuters World News Service and Random House Webster's College Dictionary with over 165,000 entries.

Author: Funk and Wagnalls (feedback@funkandwagnalls.com )

Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia Online

Online version of the popular Grolier Encyclopedia. A subscription is required for use, although a free trial is available. 

Author: Grolier Interactive, Inc. (webmaster@grolier.com)

Microsoft Encarta Concise Encyclopedia

"A free concise encyclopedia that contains 16,000 articles and more than 2,200 photos, illustrations, maps, charts, and tables." (Paying subscribers can access the more complete Encarta Online Deluxe, for which a 30 day free trial is also available.)

Author: Microsoft Corporation (encweb@microsoft.com)

http://www.kidlib.org/kidopedia/  An encyclopedia made for and by kids.

http://www.letsfindout.com/ The knowledge adventure encyclopedia by Lets Find Out.
