Style & Writing Guides



A bibliography is:

1 the history, identification, or description of writings or publications

2 a list often with descriptive or critical notes of writings relating to a particular subject, period, 

or author, also: a list of works written by an author or printed by a publishing house;

3 the works or a list of the works referred to in a text or consulted by the author in its production.

Citing Electronic Resources

"Many people want to know how to cite information that they find on the Internet in school papers, theses, reports, etc. There is no definitive answer, but many people have made suggestions. Here are some places to go for recommended electronic information citation guides."

Author: the Internet Public Library (

Electronic Reference Formats Recommended by APA

Part of the American Psychological Association Journals web site, this page provides information on how to cite various types of electronic sources, including email messages, web sites or specific documents within web sites, articles or abstracts from electronic databases, and web citations in text.

Author: American Psychological Association

English Grammar FAQ

Questions and answers about English usage and grammar from a linguistics professor.

Author: John M. Lawler (

Grammar and Style Notes

"These notes are a miscellany of grammatical rules and explanations, comments on style, and suggestions on usage I put together for my classes. The entries here are of two types: specific articles on usage, and more general articles on style. The specific articles can be further divided into two classes: (1) grammatical rules and explanations, matters rather of precedent than of taste; and (2) more subjective suggestions for making your writing clearer, more forceful, and more graceful. The specific articles are intended for quick reference, such as when you have to find out whether which or that is appropriate. The general articles lend themselves to browsing and absorbing over time." Entries are browsable alphabetically. Includes a short bibliography.

Author: Jack Lynch (

Resource for students who have research papers to write. Consists of three sections: Idea Directory, which has pre-configured e-library and Infoseek searches for a variety of topics; Writing Center, which is a how-to guide for research and writing; and Discussion Area, where you can discuss your paper with other students.

Author: Infonautics Corporation