Standard 3:  Planning and Implementation




Standard One

·         1.1

·         1.2


Standard Two


Standard Three

·         3.1

·         3.2

·         3.3

·         3.4

·         3.5

·         3.6

·         3.7


Standard Four

·         4.1

·         4.2

·         4.3

·         4.4


Standard Five

·         5.1

·         5.2

·         5.3


Standard Six

·         6.1

·         6.2


Physical education teacher candidates plan and implement a variety of developmentally appropriate learning experiences and content aligned with local, state, and national standards to develop physically educated individuals. *






Aligning Artifact


Design and implement short and long term plans that are linked to program and instructional goals as well as a variety of student needs.


Lesson and unit plans include high quality, developmentally appropriate content, goals, and assessments.


Unit Plan and Lesson Plan


Develop appropriate goals and objectives aligned with local, state, and/or national standards that lead to student learning.



Teacher candidates consistently and appropriately match learning objectives with NASPE K-12 content standards for physical education.


Aligning Learning Objectives


Design and implement content that is aligned with lesson objectives.



Teacher candidates identify, develop, and implement developmentally appropriate unit and lesson content/objectives using a range of physical activities.


Aligning Content


Plan and implement effective demonstrations, explanations, instructional cues, and physical prompts to link physical activity concepts to appropriate learning experiences.



Teacher candidates routinely use effective demonstrations, teaching cues, and explanations to link physical activity concepts to appropriate physical activity experiences in a wide range of physical education content.  Student performance is enhanced as a result of the demonstration and appropriate teaching cues.


Video of Demonstration and Cues


Plan for the management of resources to provide active, fair, and equitable learning experiences.



Teacher candidates are most effective at organizing, allocating, and managing resources in order to maximize activity time and to ensure that all students have equal opportunity to participate.




Design and implement progressive and sequential instruction adapted to diverse student needs, adding specific accommodations for varying students.



Content progressions are documented and aligned with the DTA.  Plans indicate task extensions for challenge and simplification.  OTR data indicates evidence of successful student performance.




Plan and implement lessons and units that demonstrate a respect and understanding of student diversity.


Teacher candidates present a varied range of teaching styles/instructional formats, using several formats a range between direct and indirect.  Accommodation of individual learning styles and student experiences is evident.


Evidence of Various Teaching Styles



* National Association for Sport and Physical Education Standards